2. “一场战争只有两方她站在非洲自由一边战斗,海湾资助另一方卡皮亚萨·尼古拉斯·侯赛尼的《抵制海湾》 高清作品[99%]

There are but two sides in a war; She fights on the side of African freedom, Gulf finances the other ; Boycott Gulf-

图片文件尺寸 : 3252 x 4836px

“一场战争只有两方她站在非洲自由一边战斗,海湾资助另一方卡皮亚萨·尼古拉斯·侯赛尼的《抵制海湾》-Kapiassa Nicholas Husseini

There are but two sides in a war; She fights on the side of African freedom, Gulf finances the other ; Boycott Gulf--Kapiassa Nicholas Husseini
